Oprichtster KiVa geeft lezing

Op 23 september bracht de ontwikkelaar van KiVa, Christina Salmivalli, een bezoek aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Zij gaf een lezing over het onderzoek waar zij momenteel aan werkt: Why aren't we doing better in erasing bullying?' In onderstaande samenvatting lees je meer over de strekking van haar onderzoek.
Although progress has been made in evidence-based bullying prevention and intervention, there are still too may school-aged children and adolescents who suffer prolonged victimization by their peers. This presentation focuses on the various reasons why stopping bullying can be challenging, and what we should do to further improve our anti-bullying work. The aim is to clarify, based on both quantitative and qualitative data, as well as practical examples from school personnel, when bullying prevention/intervention efforts fail, how, and why. It is argued that we must learn from our successes, but sometimes we learn more by taking a closer look at the failures. An additional focus is the phenomenon called “the healthy context paradox”, referring to the fact that in social contexts where the overall level of victimization goes down, students who remain victimized seem to be especially maladjusted and the implications this has for research and practice.